
导演 Dror Shaul
主演 Tikva Dayan / Lior Ashkenazi / Ami Smolartchik
类型 喜剧 / 奇幻
地区 以色列
上映时间 2003-07-17
别名 Sima Vaknin Machshefa
评分 暂无
剧情介绍    2003. Sima is an older women who discovers she has supernatural powers after a curse that she puts on her neighbor comes true. She becomes famous overnight as a psychic and is driven by her greedy and in debt son in law to make as much money as she can with her new powers. Her psychic popularity grows and she is talked into backing some corrupt Russian politicians who buy her support. As she enters politics everything seems to fall apart and she is overwhelmed with conflict. Sima is about to learn many lessons until she finds love and peace. A broad comedic farce with slapstick humor查看更多